BREAKING!: Jan. 19th Whaleback Mountain Magic Show for #WorldSnowDay - Pete and Chris Amusements
We are looking forward to going crazy the Pete and Chris Amusements way! Thank you to Whaleback Mountain for having us!!! Whaleback Mountain 25 mins · We are having a magic show for # WorldSnowDay on January 19th! Come out to the mountain at 11 am to see Presto Pete and Incredulous Chris of Pete and Chris Amuse ments ! Pete and Chris Amusements proudly presents The MAGIC of Presto Pete and Incredulous Chris! As part of the show, traveling 2-man kid's comedy magicians and real life brothers Presto Pete and Incredulous Chris of Pete and Chris Amusements bring kids an ULTRA high-energy frantic performance! Kids will guffaw and giggle at their crazy cartoon-like antics, and be wowed at the magic presented. LOTS of audience participation, including a special activity at the end where EVERYONE gets to participate!